Thursday, 31 December 2015

Do-It-Yourself Tutu and Snowflakes

For Christmas celebration at church, we decided to make our own Tutu skirts for our Christmas performance. Tutu can be constructed without sewing. 

To make a tutu you will only  be needing tulle and elastic band. I got my tulle at A to Z Wedding House right here in Penang. 

So the basic of making tutu is;

1. Make the elastic waistband. Measure your waist and tie the ends. 
2. Cut the tulle. I cut 6" wide and 22" long. You can customized to your own liking.
3. Attach tulle to elastic band. Basically you just have to tie the tulle along the elastic band.

Refer to this instruction from Youtube by SoCraftastic.


Notice the snowflakes hanging from the ceiling. I love making those! 3D snowflakes are great and easy decoration you can make using just white paper.


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone!

Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Dinner Planner

Materials and Tools

* decorative paper
* Ink-Jet magnet paper
* metal ruler
* scissor
* craft knife
* self healing cutting mat
* spray adhesive
* glue stick
* computer  
* ink-jet printer


1. Create heading
Cut a sheet of patterned paper to 81/2" × 11" ( 22 cm x 28 cm) and, using a computer, print the title. You can add decorative or geometric design and print the title inside the design. Set aside.

2. Create weekly table
Create a table by using a computer with the days of the week along the lefhand column and the headings (Main Dish, Side Dish, Vegetable and Dessert) along the top row. Each table cell is about 4 cm x 3 cm. 

3. Cut paper strips
Cut 4 strips of 4 cm x 22 cm strips of colored-paper.

4. Cut magnet paper
Cut a piece of ink-jet magnet paper to 18 cm x 22cm.

5. Mount paper strips
Apply spray adhesives to one side of the colored strips on step 3. Mount this strips vertically, side by side, onto the black side of the magnet sheet.

6. Cut first set of narrow paper strips
Cut three 22cm x 6mm strips fo polka-dot paper or any patterned paper you like.

7. Cut second set of narrow paper strips
Trim six 18cm x 8mm strips of striped paper of any paper patterned you like.

8. Mount magnet to paper
Apply spray adhesives to the back of the magnetic section prepared in step 5 to the paper with the weekly table in step 2.

9. Mount horizontal strips
Using a glue stick, mount the six striped paper strips (in step 7) horizontally across the four colored strips.

10. Mount vertical strips
Using a glue stick, mount the paper strips from step 6 vertically and at regular intervals.

11. Cut paper base
Cut a piece of pink-patterned paper to 24 cm x 30 cm.

12. Mount table and title to base paper
Position and mount with spray adhesives the weekly table and the title, centered on the pink-patterned paper on step 11.

13. Print dish magnets
Using a computer and printer, design and print 19mm x 4cm cell box on ink-jet magnetic paper a selection of menu choices. Cut out each dish magnet and place it on chart as desired. 

There you go! Now you have a meal organizer that makes planning a week's worth of dinners a piece of cake.

Thursday, 10 December 2015

Easy and Cheap DIY Christmas Wreath

Christmas is my favorite season to diy. All the endless possibilities to create christmas decorations out of all kind of paper; patterned paper, tissue paper even newspaper just excites me. 

I always want to make a Christmas wreath. Found tons of tutorial online but this one can be done within 1 or 2 hours.

Tutorial are from

  • paper plate (I cut a circle out of used cardboard box)
  • glue,
  • scissors,
  • 1 to 2 inch squares of green or red (or your choice of color) tissue paper.


  • Cut the tissue paper into 1 to 2 inch squares.
  • Cut the center out of the paper plate to leave a round "donut" shape.  This will form the base of the wreath.
  • Wrap each square of tissue paper over the top of a pencil, dip in glue and stick it to the paper plate.
  • Continue until you have filled the entire plate with tissue to create your wreath.
Glue ornaments on the finished wreath. I got my ornaments at Mr. DIY where you can find affordable Christmas decorations.

Enjoy making yours!